NATURES WAY Primadoph Chew Oran 30s

Ezy Pharmacy


Natures Way Primadophilus for Kids Recommended for 2 to 12 years Ingredients per tablet: Bacterial cultures (3 billion CFU per tablet) Lactobacillus rhamnosus Bifidobacterium longum Lactobacillus acidophilus 

Usage: Primadophilus is designed to deliver to the gut the beneficial microorganisms essential to maintenance of healthy intestinal flora. Diarrhoea, constipation, intestinal infections and certain medications can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria leading to gastrointestinal ill health. To maintain the healthy balance add Nature's Way Primadophilus to your daily health regimen. True Potency - What you see is what you get. The potency of CFUs (colony forming units) claimed on the label is fully guaranteed until expiration, not just at time of manufacture. 

True Release All Primadophilus capsules are enteric-coated to ensure survivability through stomach acid and proper release into the intestines. Without enteric coating, many of the strains would be dead on arrival. Nature's Way conduct disintegration tests (using USP method 2040) on every lot of capsules to make sure they are dissolving and releasing at the right time. True Identity It is what we say it is... Only the strains Nature's Way intend, make their way into a Primadophilus product. Using unique manufacturing techniques and laboratory testing to verify purity and unadulteration, Nature's Way guarantee Primadophilus products are consistently consistent. No surprises.