Olive & Bee Intimate Cream 55ml
Olive & Bee
Women can experience vaginal dryness or itching from several causes, such as menopause, breastfeeding, and skin issues. This product is safe to use as a vaginal moisturiser, or for moisturising of sensitive mucosal tissues such as a protruding prolapse. It may be used to help insert a pessary, dilator or even a suppository. In fact it can be used anywhere on the body – we use it as a body moisturiser and heel cream! Those people who need to keep their skin moist, such as people suffering from eczema, will find it moisturises their skin to lock the bad bacteria out. It also makes a great massage oil, without leaving a greasy feeling on the skin.
Created and manufactured by Claire Osterstock is a Physiotherapist in Adelaide, Australia, with a special interest in helping women and men with management of pelvic pain.
Extra virgin Olive Oil was chosen as a base, as it is naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal, and is high in antioxidants, hence is self-preserving without the need to add chemical preservatives. Both Olive Oil and beeswax are anhydrous, which means they have low water activity, hence don’t grow nasty bacteria, fungi or mould. The low water content also means that they won’t interfere with vaginal pH as other substances can. They also have anti inflammatory properties and are less likely to block pores than other oils.
Does not contain synthetic chemicals and preservatives.