TIGER Balm 18g Red Extra Strength
Ezy Pharmacy
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Tiger balm works where it hurts
Also relieves rheumatisim pain and backaches
Tiger Balm is a unique formulation that dates back to the time of the Chinese emperors.
Tiger Balm has withstood the test of time; trusted by generations and is sold in more than 100 countries around the world today.
It contains essential oils of the finest quality.
Tiger Balm is effective, giving quick relief from aches and pains.
Camphor 11%, Menthol 10%, Cajuput Oil 7%, Mint Oil Dementholised 6%, Clove Bud Oil 5%, Cassia Oil 5% and Paraffin to 100%.
NOT TO BE TAKEN. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Not to be taken orally. Can be fatal to children if swallowed. Not to be used on infants under 2 years of age,pregnant women or nursing mothers unless on the advice of a physician.
Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use in conjunction with heat pads.
Store below 30°C