N/C Reusable Cold Pack 2646
Ezy Pharmacy
For pain or swelling caused by bumps, Bruises and sprains.
Minor bumps, bruises, muscle aches, strains, and sprains.
Tension Headache and toothaches
Minor burns, scrapes, cuts and insect bites.
Instructions: Cold Therapy is recommended for the first 48 hours following the injury. (Includes a protective cover)
1) Store cold pack in freezer for at least two hours before use.
2) Insert cold pack in a cover or wrap in a cloth
3) Apply cold pack to desired area. Remove pack if it becomes uncomfortable. Do not apply for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
Individuals with problems in sensing cold should use extreme caution with this product.
To avoid frostbite, cold therapy should not exceed 20 minutes at a time.
Talk to your doctor if you have questions about the injury or if swelling or pain persists.
Do not use this cold pack for heat therapy.