PH Paracetamol + Ibuprofen 72Tabs

Ezy Pharmacy


Double action pain relief.
Temporary relief of short-term pain and/or inflammation
Easy to swallow
Gluten free
Lactose, sucrose and preservative free

Paracetamol and Ibuprofen contains two ingredients that together deliver temporary relief of short term pain and/or inflammation associated with:
Back pain
Period pain
Cold & flu symptoms
Muscular pain
Sore throat
Rheumatic pain
Non-serious arthritic pain
Dental pain
Migraine headache
Reduces fever


Paracetamol 500mg
Ibuprofen 200mg


Do not take:
If you have a stomach ulcer or other stomach disorders, kidney or heart problems.
With other products containing paracetamol and ibuprofen, or with other medicines you are taking regularly, except with your doctor’s advice.
If you are allergic to ibuprofen, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory pain medicines. If you have an allergic reaction stop taking and see your doctor immediately.
Do not exceed the maximum stated dose. Excessive use can be harmful
Do not use Paracetamol & Ibuprofen if trying to become pregnant or in the first 6 months of pregnancy, except on doctors’ advice. Do not use at all in the last 3 months.